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What is it about friends?  I often find myself asking this question. Why is having friends essential to human behavior? Because one can't help but Wonder what is the point... With the word friendship comes the word betrayal. FRIENDS=ENEMIES I prefer to think of my Relationship's with People NOT as Friendships but more as Human Contacts or Human Interaction. I find little Joy sitting around hanging out with somebody I have known very well, sitting there realizing how little they actually do for me in my life and how little happiness they actually bring me. Sometimes I feel the less I know somebody or the less time I spend with them, the more I tend to like them. Because I know very little about them.  Human socialism leaves so much room for the brain to create judgment, perception and opinion. Why fight the brain game that is designed for us never to win? The brain is a very powerful tool, that we all carry pathetically, consumed by pointless and redundant things. Being Alone M...

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